To Fate,
The game unfolds as a dialogue between the player and a sentient flower, written in poetic verses. The flower entrusts itself to the player’s decisions, expressing it’s vulnerability and offering itself wholly. With each choice, the flower blooms, withers, or transforms, mirroring the impact of those decisions while weaving a layered, personal narrative. Only through gentleness and understanding can the player find harmony - and closure.
Target audience:
Fans of emotional, thought-provoking experiences, poetry enthusiasts. Suitable for mature audiences who appreciate narrative depth and existential themes.
Published | 18 days ago |
Status | Released |
Platforms | HTML5 |
Author | jasmine.hrvth |
Made with | Twine |
Tags | artgame |
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A wonderful experience to play through.
Amazing writing, Jasmine!
Thank you for your feedback! I’m happy to hear that you liked it!🥰